💵tDRIP Treasury Bills

Your Path to DeFi Innovation

TDrip has a 3% tax that is used to LP

Minting TBills

To mint a TBill, you'll start by depositing your chosen amount of PLS. You'll also set your preferred maturity date in terms of weeks. Please note that there is a 10% deposit fee associated with minting a TBill. However, this fee is gracefully waived for deposits of 20m PLS or more, providing an accessible entry point for all.

Earn with Longer Maturity

The beauty of TBills lies in their flexibility. The longer your chosen maturity date, the higher your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) potential. It begins at 150% for a 4-week TBill and climbs all the way up to 400% for those with the foresight to embark on a 52-week journey.

Utilizing PLS Deposits

With TBills, your PLS deposits take on a higher purpose. Here's how it breaks down:

- 100% of your PLS deposits are utilized to buy and pair liquidity for tDrip, enhancing its trading ecosystem.

Transferable and Tradeable TBills: Unlocking New Possibilities

One of the standout features of tDrip's Treasury Bills (TBills) is their inherent transferability and tradability as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the open marketplace. This unique attribute opens a world of opportunities and flexibility for our community.

Imagine this scenario: Your Treasury Bills (TBills), symbolizing the potential for passive TDrip earnings, can now be seamlessly traded or transferred. For instance, if you have a TBill staked for 6 months and it matures with 3 months remaining, you have the option to sell the TBill at a discount. The buyer can then enjoy the rewards once the remaining 3 months elapse.

Last updated